
Thursday, January 17, 2008


so, many of you know from seeing me last night that i didn't get to go to the funeral. the doctor said no traveling. i'm bummed and relieved at the same time.

i don't do well with funerals, but i so, so, so wanted to be there for my daddy! it just breaks my heart thinking of him and his pain right now. i wanted to be there with him, to comfort him. hopefully my prayers have reached him.

i talked to my sister earlier. she said it was actually snowing there this morning before the funeral! crazy. she said my dad looked so nice in his suit and tie. if you've ever seen him, you know he's a jeans kinda guy. i would've loved to be there to see him.

i guess i'll have to just settle seeing him in less than two weeks when my baby boy is born.

that's right. we're inducing on january 30. i decided it was worth the money and the time to have him in my arms a couple of days earlier.

we go in at 6:00 that morning.

i can't believe it's already here.

i am a little more prepared though. i still have a to do list, but it's not as dramatic as it was before.

we have daycare lined up...thanks, sarah!

the nursery is painted and ready to go.

i still haven't packed a bag. i'm planning on tying up all the rest of the loose ends this weekend.

by the way, we have a 3-day weekend!! so needed!

i realize this is a hodge podge of things from sad to happy, but with the rarity that it is of me actually having the time or energy to sit in front of my computer, i figured i better get it all in.

1 comment:

kablot spot said...

well, I was concerned that the Dr. might release you to go and that you would go into labor or something. Sounds like things are coming together. Enjoy your weekend!